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In order to promote its company and its products or services, nowadays it is essential to be present on the internet through a website. It can also act as a distribution channel when the website includes a merchant platform.

If the sole reservation of domain names cannot be faulty (except for a few proven cases of use of another one's trademark), the uploading of a website involves making sure that no infringement of anterior rights is caused and that the legal obligations related to the online commerce in particular are respected.

Otherwise, you are exposed to often severe sanctions (CNIL, DGCCRF ...) and a risk of having to modify everything that has already been done (choice of brand and domain names, website, communication media etc.)

It is therefore necessary to define from the beginning a strategy for covering the ground on the Internet and to be well informed regarding all legal obligations incumbent on you as an online economic player.

The IPSIDE legal experts and lawyers assist you in all the phases of organization and setting up of your Internet presence:

  • Drafting of all legal texts in compliance with the latest laws in force: drafting of your legal notices, your general conditions of sale and/ or use, management of cookies and other tracers are as many examples of texts that IPSIDE legal experts will adapt to your activity.
    They also advise you on how to ensure for you the consent of Internet users when this is required and to comply with legal requirements, other than textual (ex. legal information accessible on each page of the website, etc.)
  • Legal support to maximize your visibility on the Internet: IPSIDE's Domain Names and Digital Department advises and assists you in organizing your presence on social networks (reservation of user names, certification of accounts and pages to protect the identity of your trademarks.
  • Active surveillance of the potential usurpers of your trademarks, logos, images on the web: whether it concerns the reproduction of the textual or graphic contents of your website, your trademarks, your logos and models or cybersquatting (reservation of domain names that replicate your brand in available extensions), all of these fraudulent practices affect the image of your company, potentially reduce the impact of your business communication, and divert your client base.
    There are many legal ways to be informed of these violations, allowing you to act rapidly.
    IPSIDE's specialized legal experts provide you with a permanent monitoring service for domain names, social networks, ad networks, site content, and mobile applications, informing you of any infringements and advising you regarding the actions to be taken to stop the infringement of your rights.
  • Active defense of your rights on the Internet: the IPSIDE legal experts offer you a progressive and complete range of means to defend your rights. These may include reports to social networks in order to obtain the closing of pages or accounts in dispute, letters of formal notice addressed to the relevant owners or registers, deactivation procedures for domain names with filing complaint to ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), Internet findings to prove the facts in dispute or, as a last resort, legal actions for infringement and/ or unfair competition.

Contact us
to find out more

+33 (0)5 31 50 00 22
6, Impasse Michel Labrousse
Toulouse 31100