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It is possible that the protection of your invention, or of your improvement, through one or more patent(s) maximizes the return on your R & D investment by securing exclusive 20 years exploitation rights. This protection allows you at the same time to prevent counterfeiting, to promote an innovative image, to recover royalties or to negotiate cross-licensing agreements with your competitors.

However, the effectiveness of your invention's patent protection depends on a number of choices and parameters to be established for each patent, such as the claims defining the technical scope of your protection, or the geographical coverage of your protection. These important elements determine the success of your protection through a patent. The execution of all the patent procedure phases, from drafting to responses to objections raised during the procedure, may also proof be crucial for issuing the patent, as well as for its long-term protection effectiveness. Naturally, this execution must be done within the limits and complying with your budget.

Thus, it is necessary to select an experienced industrial property consulting firm, which knows your field, which respects its estimates and preferably geographically close to your inventors in order to facilitate the necessary dialogue in the initial stages, in particular during the preparation of a patent application draft.

The IPSIDE regional teams of patent engineers specialized by technological fields accompany you and advise you in all or some of the stages of your patent protection. They review with you all the critical aspects of your invention's patentability, including your freedom of exploitation, your risk to infringe on other people's inventions, your markets, your timing and offer you one or several adapted approaches and associated budgets to optimize the long term economic value of your patents, while in strict compliance with your confidentiality. If necessary, IPSIDE can also assist you in obtaining a Research Tax Credit that would help reduce taxation by deducting your research related expenses [see CIR benefit]. IPSIDE then accompanies you in the drafting, filing and follow-up of patent procedures until it is issued in France, Europe and abroad; including the replies, submissions and appeals to the objections of the involved patent offices, to the oppositions of your competitors. After issuance of the patent IPSIDE can also help you maintain, renew your patents and, if needed, even restore it if you forgot to pay the annuities.

Your IPSIDE advisers, assisted by IPSIDE AVOCAT's lawyers, will also help you to develop your patent portfolio, improve it and defend your rights.

Contact us
to find out more

+33 (0)5 31 50 00 22
6, Impasse Michel Labrousse
Toulouse 31100