• Welcoming 2025 with Optimism and Innovation!
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  • Santarelli Group ranked Gold IP Firm in 2023 IAM Patent 1000
  • Artificial Intelligence: Is it possible to freely re-train an AI model distributed under an open-source license?
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The research teams of your research institute/ organization, public laboratory or university improve their reputation and access to public or private funds by publishing the results and discoveries of their fundamental or specialized research as quickly as possible. Also, a significant part of your organization's sources of funding comes from your technology transfer to the private sector and the intellectual protection of your innovations through patents is essential in order to maximize your financial contributions.

However, an innovation with potential technological repercussions and at the design stage is hard to patent and even less so once published. In addition, part of your research work is carried out sometimes in collaboration with other institutes (see Patents).

It is therefore necessary, on the one hand, to carefully coordinate the timing of your publications with your patent filing for your technological innovations and, on the other hand, to define, preferably in advance, the way these patents will be used and each one's area of contributions, when they are the result of collaboration with other institutes.

For this purpose, IPSIDE offers you its experience in working with research institutes, technological specialists, patent engineers, industrial property attorneys and agents of the European Patent Office, many of which come from the academic world and a legal team of lawyers helping you define and draft your consortium agreements, your collaboration contracts, technology transfer contracts (see Contracts) and offering you strategic advice on the desirable scope and timing of your patents. IPSIDE's scientific knowledge and experience in collaborating and writing patents together with research institutions maximize the chances of issue and the scope of your patents.

Thanks to its regional branches spread throughout France (see France), IPSIDE offers you reactivity, proximity and local and dedicate partners who listen to you, who are together with you through the entire life cycle of the intellectual property, protecting your research.

Sensitive to the budget constraints of the research organizations, IPSIDE has developed flat-rate solutions fitting research institutes and undertakes to respect its estimate.

Contact us
to find out more

+33 (0)5 31 50 00 22
6, Impasse Michel Labrousse
Toulouse 31100