It is possible that unintentionally you have infringed the intellectual property rights of a third party and have received letters of complaint or are being sued. Your freedom to exploit your creations and innovations is threatened and the commercial and financial consequences are anything but negligible.
The intellectual property law is specialized and complex and includes many conditions and restrictions that must be verified before responding to a complaint or summons within the expected timeframe in order to avoid compromising your position and your rights.
It is therefore important to be defended by intellectual property litigation specialists and this, as soon as possible.
IPSIDE advises you and helps you defend yourself effectively, and beforehand, helps you minimize the risk of being attacked:
- An effective and dissuasive response to a threat: the IPSIDE AVOCAT lawyers, together with the IPSIDE specialized patent engineers and legal experts shall assist you through all the pre-contentious and contentious steps necessary for the defense of your rights:
- Responses to complaints formulated by third parties
- Assistance in pre-litigation negotiations
- Opposition and appeal to the Court of Appeal
- Manage your defense before the Courts and pledge of counter-claims and/ or legal actions (nullity, forfeiture, counterfeiting, rights claim)
- Negotiation of transactional solutions and drafting of transactional agreement protocols
- Drafting of contracts
- Proactive prevention against an attack to your freedom of exploitation: the IPSIDE clients have access to the services of surveillance and monitoring of their patents and trademarks, enabling them to anticipate the protection actions of their competitors and to avoid infringing their rights by strengthening the protection of their intellectual property to develop and preserve their strategic markets.