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You have developed a code for commercial exploitation in the form of a standalone software, an Internet program, an expert program, a video game or embedded in a product.

Your development has mobilized significant resources over a not negligible period of time; however, your code can be copied quickly and your competitive advantage significantly reduced. It is therefore necessary to protect your code by appropriate legal means.

Protection through copyright

The software of your code is protected by the copyright that is acquired directly, subject to its originality, from the mere fact of its creation. However, this copyright protects only the writing of the code and not the software features; in some cases, it is possible to protect the features through the patent (see below).

Therefore, your software is protected from the day you created it, regardless of the form of expression, genre, merit or destination.

However, in case of litigation, it is important to be able to formally prove the date your code was created. For this purpose, IPSIDE offers several timestamping solutions designed for your needs and the size of your code (see Data timestamping).

Protection through a software patent

In case your program is part of a system and produces physical effects (for example a fuel injector of a vehicle), broadcast on a data carrier (computer, smartphone, tablet, printer, etc.), or processes the data issued by a physical system (e.g. image processing of an MRI), the innovative features or algorithms could be patentable (see How to protect my invention).

IPSIDE can help you identify the potentially patentable elements of your code to obtain the best protection for your computer implemented invention and even for the computer program product.

Additional protections

For an additional protection of your software, you may also consider protecting the trade name of your software and its logo if necessary by a trademark (see Trademarks) and/ or design and model filing (see Designs). Design and model filing is also possible if your software includes drawings or even original typographic characters. IPSIDE can advise you on the most appropriate protection tools according to your needs.


Contact us
to find out more

+33 (0)5 31 50 00 22
6, Impasse Michel Labrousse
Toulouse 31100