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IPSIDE in China

You are planning to protect your creations and innovations on the fast-growing, strategic marketplace that is China, either to market your solutions in China or to prevent the production of counterfeits of your products, subsequently distributed to your other markets.

Intellectual property laws in China can only be invoked after a prior registration of your creations and innovation to be protected by the Chinese administration. Except that the regulatory environment of industrial property in China may be significantly different from what exists in France or Europe. Furthermore, the market for intellectual property advice is very competitive and subject to a "price war" that favours quantity over quality of the files processed. Finally, a quality protection begins with a quality translation of the files you wish to file and may later have to defend before a Chinese court.

To protect your creations and innovations in China it is therefore highly desirable to go through a local firm, set up in China, with perfectly bilingual experts.

Ipside is one of the few French intellectual property firms with a real presence in China. Since 2016, Ipside has opened an office in Beijing and an office in Chengdu, where a free trade area has just been approved by the Chinese government.

The offices are made up of a multicultural team of patent engineers and legal experts from China and fluent in Chinese, French, English and Japanese. Most experts have studied in France and this experience allows providing a very good level of professional and cultural communication with the clients, whether French, European, or Chinese.

Ipside China is one of the few French firms that verify the translation of international patents (PCT) from English into Chinese with the original French text. For a Chinese national entry, the quality of the translation of the text plays a key role to ensure the protection of the title in China.

Ipside China participates in many exchanges and local events and has established for us close links with Chinese professional partners, Chinese companies and government agencies.

Another one of the main missions of Ipside China is to develop partnerships with local companies, which will eventually create opportunities for collaboration between Ipside's French clients and Chinese companies.

Room 2611, Dong Fang Xi Wang Tian Xiang Square,
Building B,
No. 530 Tianfu Dadao Zhongduan,
Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan,
P.R. of China,
4A Building 602
Nanshan District Software Industry Base

Contact us
to find out more

+33 (0)5 31 50 00 22
6, Impasse Michel Labrousse
Toulouse 31100