IPSIDE is HappyindexAtWork! The companies where employees are the happiest.
The participation of IPSIDE in the HappyindexAtWork survey which measures commitment and motivation at work has been crowned with success: IPSIDE has been awarded the choosemycompany.com label for the third successive year: HappyindexAtWork.
This validation represents real recognition. At the end of the 100% participative and 100% digital survey, it was necessary both to obtain a score of 3.81 / 5 and a recommendation rate higher than 60% to be part of better companies this year.
IPSIDE could not therefore have obtained the excellent rating of 4.23 / 5, without the active participation of its employees.
In March, the IPSIDE teams enthusiastically joined forces to assess their daily feelings in the company. More than 62% of employees expressed their experience by exploring six very different dimensions: professional development, stimulating environment, management, salary & recognition, pride and pleasure.
The award of the choosemycompany.com label: HappyindexAtWork rewards the involvement of IPSIDE in its desire to make it a liberated business, and to put people at the heart of the business.
By participating in this innovative operation, IPSIDE advances in the management and motivation of employees and shares its culture with the candidates.
(Discover the Les Echos Start HappyIndex® / AtWork 2018 supplement)