Agreement amending, supplementing and repealing Various Provisions to the Organic Statute of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 2, 2018)
Mexico: The Agreement amending, supplementing and repealing Various Provisions to the Organic Statute of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 2, 2018) was issued by the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property and entered into force on January 3, 2018.
The Agreement introduces changes to the Organic Statute of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property relating inter alia to: (i) the reduction of a number of services provided by the Divisional Sub-Directorates of the Institute such as services on information technology, examination of patent applications in chemistry and mechanic areas, promotional and logistic support, and coordination of protection and promotion of industrial property in certain regional offices; and (ii) the restructure of some divisions of the Institute, including the Divisional Direction of Trademarks, the Divisional Direction of Information Systems and Technologies, and the Divisional Direction of Promotion and Technological Information Services.