Drafting and negotiation of contracts (assignment, license, collaboration) in relation to all industrial property titles; drafting and negotiation of transactional agreements, coexistence agreements
IP rights portfolio valuation, financial valuation of rights
Industrial Property Attorney
European Council on Trademarks, Designs and Models
Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies "Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées (DESS)" Intellectual Property, Industrial Agreements and New Technologies Law
CNCPI, member of the Commission Actions in the Region (former correspondent of the Brittany Region)
Additional information
Lecturer at the Master 2 "Food, Law, Nutrition and Health" at the University of Western Brittany, BTS "Graphic Design"
Intervener with the Entrepreneurs in Brittany
Interventions for the CNCPI: permanences, presence on trade fairs (Business start-ups in Brest, Rennes ...)